Tavi, after being photographed by Stephanie from the fashion robot, was inspired at the age of 12 to mark her spot on the world wide web. winner of fashion website of the week by teenvogue and with countless other daily viewers, Tavi has a major fashion influence. "It was Stephanie who got me into blogs. I know her personally and one night she dressed her sister and I up in her clothes and posted the pictures on her blog. As my fashion interest started developing, she emailed me some links to blogs and other fashion sites. The decision to make my own was very hasty and kind of on-a-whim. I had only been looking at other blogs for a short time, so I started my own as a better way to experience the community. Sheer curiosity and haste."
She gets her style inspiration from everything. "Blogs, old pictures, movies, books, street style, magazines, designers, and photography that isn't fashion related. It can just be a photo that draws you in and makes you want to wear an outfit that relates to the photo, giving it more of a story; or it can be a photo that suggests a character you can create through dressing." Her style is constantly changing and developing. Though her obsessions alter daily, she never tires from dressing in the Japanese style, the 70s, and like an evil fairy tale creature.
Now for Lee's random questions. Tavi's favourite book is The Lorax and favourite film is Fried Green Tomatoes. Her favourite piece of clothing "in general is crinoline skirts. In my closet, a dress my Norwegian cousin wore when she was a baby 20 years ago. As if that isn't a strange connection! It was a hand-me-downed to me when I was a baby, and I obviously can't wear it as a dress now but it's great for layering and is the perfect pale shade of pink." Tavi's favourite magazine is the original and fresh Dazed and Confused. A tastemaker for sure, Tavi is no style rookie.
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