Covert Candy, a new vintage clothes swap site, is allowing you to have your cake and eat it too. We all have clothes that we just don't get around to wearing. They lay there, gather dust, and ultimately we begin to wonder what we were thinking in the first place. Well, now you can swap those items you don't use for ones you will. Harry, one of the creators of the site, emailed us a few days ago to discuss Covert Candy's idea and concept. When asked about the site's creation he states "We imagined a big pile of clothes with everyone throwing in stuff that they no longer wanted and taking out stuff they did want. We basically worked backwards from there to work out how something similar to this could happen online. From here the concept of CovertCandy was a long process of plans that took two years to turn into a community that works."
And how a clothing swap might work in an online space? Well there's a credit system where clothing you contribute earns you points which you can use to shop with other clothes-swappers. As Harry states "the credit system basically functions as a way to swap clothes collectively rather than the one-on-one swap that other sites facilitate." And it's not only the free clothes that are creating a fan base. The idea is sustainable for no new clothes are created and therefore everything is inherently recycled. "Sustainable fashion is about creating processes and clothes that provide alternatives to those that harm the environment." Eco-friendly and fun, you can check out Covert Candy by clicking here.
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