Sunday, February 14, 2010

Isabel of Hipster Musings

Isabel, a university student and intern at Alternatives Journal, has the coolest grunge inspired style this side of the blogosphere. When asked to describe her look she aptly states that it's something like a " bizarre anachronistic dishevelled granny". And how did she get interested in fashion? "It's genetic! My mom has a degree in Fashion Design and works as a seamstress." But her website doesn't only feature clothing. Along with her photos are daily tidbits which can range from feminist book reviews to ravings about music.
What strikes you about Isabel is that her style is unique and consistent. Coming across certain grunge-inspired pieces I find myself thinking, "that's something Isabel would wear".  She's definitely one cool cat with a unique vision. But where does she see herself in the future? The answer is simple "a happy and successful career woman living in Vancouver". To see more of Isabel simply click here. 


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