Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Book Review - David Altmejd

I saw David Altmejd's piece The Holes (2008) at the exhibit "It is what it is" at the National Art Gallery and it's a piece that has been in my mind ever since. After looking through his book by Louise Dery at the exhibition I ordered it through the gallery. This overview of his work is really beautiful and is also bilingual (English/French). Altmejd mixes colourful organic with mirrors jutting out everywhere. The pieces contain decay but it's colourful and meant to show that life arrises out of decay into something beautiful. His pieces look really abstract and at first a bit disturbing. Decaying werewolves with arms growing out of their decaying parts does not sound quite so wonderful in print, yet when you see it you immediately change your mind. It's his use of colour that really makes this shift from ugly to stunning. The book was an interesting read and it was awesome to be able to see all his works that are spread all over the world. I really recommend seeing his work at the National Art Gallery and checking out this book while you're there. Click here to learn more about the exhibit.


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