Friday, March 25, 2011

Artistic Spotlight - Alena Skarina

Alena is a Siberian born illustrator currently living in Toronto with an extended family of nine Siberian cats. In 2009 she completed her design degree at the Ontario College of Art & Design, majoring in illustration. "Going to school made me realize that discipline is just as important in the artistic practice, as talent and personal devotion. Another significant lesson was appreciating and understanding the importance of cultivating a variety of artistic voices and languages amongst my peers. A unique vision provides an opportunity to bring something different into the world, without recycling already existing imagery."
As a child she spent years going to a traditional Russian art school, where the mediums that were used were watercolours and gouache. To this date those are the mediums that she is most affectionate towards. "The themes in my artwork tend to swing between the sensual subject matter: exploring the elegance of the feminine form, and the enigmatic innocence of animals. Hand done typography is an important element that is present in both my personal and commercial work." When asked about her future she states "In the future, I would like to continue being able to lend my visual language and ideas to meaningful projects. Outside of making art I like to play with cats and people, lucid dream, pick mushrooms, and practice kindness." To check out her artworks click here.


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